(The Information & Edification Series – Batch 9)
If you are a Christian, in that you have believed in your heart that Jesus rose from the dead and confessed with your mouth the truth, that he is Lord and he has the reigns of control over your life, which you have surrendered to, then the mere fact that you are reading this, means that you are in the land of the living. God has saved you by his grace but has opted to keep you here on earth for a while, for his divine purposes.
As a Christian, I was thinking this morning of six (6) main reasons why, I believe, that after having saved us, the Lord leaves us here on this earth. He could have saved us and taken us away immediately from this world but he did not. Since everything he does and allows has purpose, it is not by chance or coincidence. God has purposed for us to continue living here for a while and he has reasons for this.
There may be a number of reasons but in contemplation of the issue this morning, six (6) came to mind, as follows:
1. God has left us here on earth for a season, so that we can become more like the Lord Jesus Christ and emulate HIS perfect example.
Having saved and sanctified us positionally, so that we are now in the body of Christ and destined to be in his presence one day, he now desires for us to emulate his perfect example and to grow in resemblance to Him, not physically but in terms of character, virtue and conduct. This is called progressive sanctification, where we are putting off the world and its effects, the flesh and the devil and we are becoming more like the Lord Jesus.
2. God has left us here on earth for a season, so that we can grow in his knowledge and in his grace and also in our faith.
The Christian life and journey is one where we have a relationship with the Lord and so, having saved us, he wants us to continue on learning more about him. This is God’s desire in relation to all of his children.
In fact, some of the things that he allowed the Israelites to go through when he took them into Egypt for about 400 years and then delivered them out of it was so that they could grow in their knowledge and understanding of who he was, his might and his power. Similarly, today, he wants his children in the body of Christ, to know his character. He leaves us here because he wants us to grow in intimacy with him and to grow in relationship, to know more about him, what he likes, his ways and the things that please him.
We can only do this if we spend time reading, meditating on and applying his Word, the Bible and listening to sound Preaching and Teaching.
I would also add, that it is easy to know of him if we are in heaven with him, where we can see him directly but when on earth because we can’t see him, it is an opportunity for us to develop our faith in him through our experiences. For, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. I therefore believe that he leaves us here to grow, not just in his knowledge and in his grace but also in our faith, through all that he allows us to go through, him demonstrating more and more of who he is in it, of his faithfulness and of his power to succour, even in our difficult seasons.
3. God has left us here on earth for a season, so that we can tell others about the good news of salvation, that we ourselves received.
He has saved us by his grace and has commissioned us to go into all the world and tell others about him, in the hope that they will listen, believe on him and also be saved. We therefore are not left on earth to relax, have a good time and seek after our own interest but we have been entrusted with work to do, the most important work of all, which is to lead lost souls to Christ, showing them how they can obtain eternal life.
4. God has left us here on earth for a season, so that we can use our giftings (and some of our talents as well), to build up and edify the rest of the Church and to be a blessing to those we meet.
The Lord has generously given all of his children at least one spiritual gift, not to use as they please but for his purposes. One such purpose is to edify or build up our fellow brothers and sisters in the faith. It is therefore important to know what our gift or gifts are and to get busy using them, to his honour and glory. Sometimes, he would also have us use a talent or talents that he has given to us, along with our gifts or to be a blessing to others. If he does, we should be available and willing to use what he has given us, in this regard.
5. God has left us here on earth for a season, so that we can do good works.
It is a shame for Christians to get caught up in gossip, drama, strife, envy, malice and conflict, all of which God hates. He has left his children here for them to be busy about his business, which also includes doing good works. It is important to note that the good works do not equate to salvation, as we have already been saved. However, he has left us here so that we can do good works, do good things, help people and be kind. wherever and whenever we can find occasion to do so.
6. God has left us here on earth for a season, to promote and showcase some aspect or measure of his glory.
If we are doing good works and all the other things mentioned above, then this showcases God’s glory, which is God’s ultimate aim. He has created us for his glory and saved us for his glory and desires to use us a vessels, to promote his glory, especially in the sight of the heathen, which are those that do not believe on him.
Some, in seeing what he does in and through our lives, will believe on Jesus Christ and surrender their hearts to him by faith. Others may not but they will still be unable to contain their curiosity as to the peculiarity of these people who profess that Jesus is Lord and aim to live their lives in accordance with this.
God wants that when people look at our lives, for it to be a reflection of his glory, that they would learn something of or have insight into who he is, through how we operate and how we conduct our lives. For example, we should have good work ethic, just as Joseph in the Old Testament had in Egypt, causing those he worked for to stand in amazement as to how everything he did prospered by the hand of his God. We should have integrity, so that they are amazed at how we are prepared to do that which is right and tell the truth, even when it means that we will suffer loss for our actions.
God wants his glory to be showcased through us. He has put his light in us and there is a scripture that says that no man lights a candle and puts it under a bushel but when a candle is lit, it is put in a position or in place where it can be seen, so that it can give light, even in a dark place. Undoubtedly, we are in a dark world today. The Lord’s desire is therefore for us, who he has put his light in because he is the light of the world , to shine forth in this dark world and when we do that, we radiate and reflect his glory.
In John 8:12, Jesus declared of the light which he possessed: “I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.”
In Matthew 5:14-14, he also stated of those who believed on him and therefore, he had put his light in:
- “Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.”
These six (6) reasons why God allows us as Christians to remain on earth after he has saved us, may not be exhaustive but they are all important. They cannot be denied as they are all supported by scripture.
It is important therefore, for us to examine ourselves and our lives, to see to what extent we are lining up with these purposes or the extent to which we are allowing God to work them out in our lives. If we claim to be Christians, then are we doing good works or do we spend our days involved in mischief and stirring up trouble and strife? Are we growing in his knowledge and grace and therefore are we being faithful and obedient or are we remaining stagnant in our faith walk, not spending time to meditate on God’s Word the Bible? Are we giving people the gospel or are we selfishly guarding it as some best kept secret? Are we building up and supporting or edifying the saints with our gifts and even with our talents or are we allowing them to lie dormant, finding excuse after excuse as to why we can’t use it to profit the Lord’s Kingdom? Are we being progressively sanctified, so that we are becoming more and more like the Lord Jesus Christ with time or are we the same as we have ever been, stubborn, rebellious, self-willed and proud?
The most sombre question we can ask ourselves if we are at variance with God’s purposes is, if we are not doing and becoming what God wants us to do and expects of us, then why should God continue to leave us on this earth?
(Recorded on my phone on 10th February, 2022, added to thereafter)
Dear Reader, if you found the above Article to be interesting, informative, beneficial or edifying, you may also be interested in reading the following under the ‘Single Daughters of God’ page:
- Note 163 – ‘The Bridal Train’