1 Peter 1:5 states that those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour are “…kept by the power of God THROUGH FAITH unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.”
I have experienced God’s supernatural hands upon my life ‘keeping’ me on several occasions, when facing tumultuous situations and storms. In sometime around 2015 for example, I was single and unemployed, having not a clue how to begin to change those two statuses, despite my best efforts. Yet, in the midst of what looked like a storm (the unemployment of which God saw it fit to continue for several months and months), he sustained me by HIS strength and kept me in perfect peace, as I continued to hold fast to my faith in him.
Instead of receiving encouragement, emotional support, help and edification from people though, I found myself on the end of their insults, criticism, put-downs, ridicule and gossip. Like David when he was going through a low period when everything ‘seemed’ lost, I felt that people wanted to stone me. They couldn’t do it with their hands, so they used their lips and delivered blow after blow. Needless to say, although God was chastening me during that period, a part of why I was in that situation was because I had chosen to walk away from worldly systems, what displeased him and to stand with Jesus. Yet, these people, not caring to know the whole story, put me down with their words, actions and behaviour towards me.
Nevertheless, although they helped to intensify my pain (or as the Bible puts it, helped “forward the affliction” – Zechariah 1:15), I resolved, that come what may, I would hold on to my faith and trust in Jesus. I was convinced that he had all the facts, he knew exactly what was going on, that I had resolved from day one, to hold fast to my integrity despite seas of opposition, that I had not wavered and so I would commit everything into the hands of the one that judges righteously.
While going through what I was going through though, as people mocked me and tried to stress me out with their behaviour, I silently observed them. Their behaviour shocked me, as their actions revealed that, while they spoke about faith, it was either very weak or they lacked it altogether. They were operating as if God was dead and as if he could not come through for me and as if he could not have me sit still peaceably for months and months, while waiting on HIM.
What these people did not know was that although I was still single (which for many is a death sentence) and unemployed when it came to secular work, my God was busy using me to do A GREAT WORK, for HIS KINGDOM glory. It was during that period in particular, that he downloaded many quotes and Articles into my spirit to write about, as I meditated on his Word. It was as I sat at his feet during that period and learned of Him, that he was birthing this very ministry.
In particular, many people who professed to have faith in Jesus, looked dismayed in that period, them baffled as to how I could be so calm in my storm. Many behaved as if they expected me to throw my hands in the air and start panicking. As a matter of fact, while in perfect peace, given to me by the Lord, some would come under the guise of ‘concern’ to try to rile me up and make me anxious, their purpose really being to disturb that God-given peace, gather more information for entertainment and gossiping purposes and stress me out. I would be like, “Lord, I was not even thinking about that issue because you have filled me so with your joy. Why is he or she coming to try to disturb my peace?”
Looking on and observing all that I observed, in 2015 or thereabout, I wrote the following words:
- “Many people say they believe in God but in actuality, they see him only in theory. When trouble comes, they mutter a prayer but then busily try to work it out themselves. Even when they keep on praying, deep down, they believe that the solution lies in them.
- This is especially true when the answer doesn’t manifest itself quickly or when they expect it to. They don’t really expect this theoretical figurehead to come through for them. They think he is a figment or if real, just stands back and leaves it up to us to wrack our brains for the solution. They think, “If I don’t do this, he wouldn’t do it for me.”
- Not so with me. For me, my God is real and his power is magnificent! He hears me, he sees me and he cares for my soul. When I’m in a fix and I ask him to come, he comes. Always in his own time and sometimes slowly but he comes. He will blow your mind (in a good way) if you truly believe that he is real and really delivers those who put their trust in him.“
Around that same period, I also wrote:
- People wondered how I could be so calm in the midst of such a storm.
- Well, I saw the tempest coming…
- And I felt the waves crashing against me.
- I certainly felt it.
- But I knew that JESUS was in the vessel
- And not just that.
- I had never been much of a sailor to begin with…
- Even in moderate conditions.
- So for this one, I requested of him that he not just be there
- But that he take the wheel.
- I figured, since this was someone that already overcame,
- That went through the worst, yet stayed the course,
- That navigated through life and emerged victorious,
- That hit rock bottom but rose again…
- Then once He took the wheel, my troubles were over.
- The waves could pelt wherever they wanted
- The sea could rage however it felt
- The wind could blow as much as it liked
- And for as long as it liked
- And as loud as it liked.
- No matter how it looked or how long it took
- Or how much of a soaking I was being made to endure
- With my drenched weary self…I was making it to shore.
On 19th January, 2020, in commenting on the observations I wrote about initially above, I wrote further:
When you’re in what seems like a fix (and I’ve had quite a few), I’m so tired of people, who ought to know better, throwing their hands up in the air and wondering hopelessly, what are you going to do?
My answer, as it has always been is: The God you SAY you are serving, if he is real, he will come through for me.
I have no doubt in this arena. I believe he is real. In fact, I know and have experienced him to be real in mind blowing ways, yet the actions of many who profess with their lips to know Christ, suggest that they do not really believe. For, they behave as if he is not Lord over all and cannot help you in certain situations.
Yet, his power is limitless! He has done great things in my life, things that I could have never done in my own strength, things that would have your jaw drop to the ground in shock and you would still not be able to come to terms with it.
Yes, he is THAT big and THAT powerful. I am tired of telling these naysayers that there is absolutely nothing that is too hard for him to do and if you SAY you know him and believe in him, then why are you displaying doubt and faithlessness in your actions and words?
It is high time that you who SAY you are serving him, BELIEVE it as well. He is more than just theory. He is big, he is real and he is powerful. He works miracles. He has worked quite a lot in my life thus far and I continue to look to him, as I walk in FAITH (not by sight) and place my confidence in HIM (not in the world or my own human effort, intelligence or materialism), to continue to do exceedingly abundantly more than I could ever ask or think.
Stop doubting. If you SAY he is Lord, then start BELIEVING.
(Written on 24th August, 2021)
There is always somebody telling you to SHUT UP, GIVE UP or that it is TOO LATE TO LOOK UP. Blind Bartimaeus, the lady with the issue of blood and Lazarus’ friends could all attest to that fact.
YET, Isaiah 26:4 defies all this so-called ‘advice’ when it states: “Trust ye in the Lord FOR EVER: for in the Lord Jehovah is EVERLASTING STRENGTH.“
(Addendum written earlier on 28th January, 2020)
I am writing this Note at 2.03 p.m. on Sunday 03rd January, 2021. About an hour ago, something took place that I thought it prudent to keep a record of, as I think in looking back, it will help to make my faith in Jesus even stronger and serve as a powerful testimony.
As I poured some sorrel into a cup, I told a family member jokingly, that he needed to start to plant sorrel, as I would need it for my guests at my one day Wedding. I told him I wanted them to drink sorrel, as I love the drink so much.
He then asked me if I was getting married. I told him yes. He then asked, when? I replied, when God was ready. He then in unbelief said jokingly, that an angel was coming and that God would send an angel from heaven.
I realized that he did not believe that it would ever happen and this was why he jokingly stated this. I recalled a conversation we had had some months prior, where he had asked the same question and said the same thing in a joking manner.
The whole thing erupted into much laughter, as I informed the family member that God would do it and that nothing was too hard for him to do. He laughed until he cried.
I told my family member and another family member (who was in the vicinity at the time), that even if other people didn’t believe, that would not stop God from doing it. I told them that I believed that God told me in 2013 from his Word that I would be married. The second family member immediately replied: “Well he changed his mind!”
In that moment, I realized that she too did not belief that it would ever happen for me. Perhaps it was because the wait had been so long thus far.
They both laughed as I continued saying that God would do it and as they laughed, I prayed out loud, to which they laughed the more. I told God that although they did not believe, that I was praying that he would do it, so that they would see and know that he was the one that did it.
I then told the first family member that Lazarus was dead and stinking for four (4) days and nobody thought Jesus would raise him from the dead BUT HE DID. I told them that when it happened, they would know that it was God, not me, not them, that brought it to pass and that although they were laughing today, that on THAT DAY, they would be crying because they would realize that God worked a miracle.
I also told them that we should wait and see what happens and whether their unbelief would win out or whether God would work the miracle.
I wonder where sells sorrels in bulk to make a drink to feed 200 people?
(Further Addendum written earlier on 03rd January, 2021)
On 28th October, 2021 (as a single woman), I wrote:
Whatever God has promised and purposed to do, he WILL do it, in his own time and in his own way but he will SURELY do it.
In the interim, people can say what they want, think what they want and do what they want but it wouldn’t change a thing because God has already purposed and none can disannul the counsel of HIS WILL.
Whether it is days, weeks, months or years therefore, continue to wait with a good attitude on what you KNOW the Lord promised you personally from his Word while reading and meditating upon it. He has a way of knowing how to silence the naysayers.
“For the LORD of hosts hath PURPOSED, and WHO shall disannul it? and his hand is stretched out, and WHO shall turn it back?” (Isaiah 13:27)
#WaitPatiently #StandStill #AndSeetheSalvationoftheLord
#CrazyFaith #2013PromisefromtheWord #IStillBelieveHEWillBringItToPass #AndBeautifully
#MyGodDoesNOTLie #CrazyExcited #ItMattersNotHowThingsLookToday
#MyFutureIsBrightINCHRIST #AllowHIMtoBlowYourMind #ModernDayMiraclesStillHappen
P.S: Many say that God is all-powerful but then they limit his power. They pray about things as a sort of routine and not in faith because they then look at all the earthly reasons why it will not happen.
Yet, Hebrews 11:6 tell us of God: “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God MUST believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
In short, if you’re praying as a sort of routine or in public for show but you don’t really believe that God will bring to pass what you’re praying for, you’re wasting your time. He ultimately decides what he will do or not do but he wants you to believe, when you pray about something, that he is able to grant it and will grant it.
The fact that he is all-powerful does not just mean that he can do great things. It means that despite the circumstances, there is NO LIMIT WHATSOEVER to what he can do. In other words, no matter the difficulty, setback or restraint, GOD OPERATES SOLELY WITHIN THE REALM OF ‘POSSIBLE’. There are no ‘maybes’, ‘ifs’, ‘buts’ or ‘can’ts’ with him.
As Jesus Christ himself said, “With men this is impossible; but with God ALL THINGS are possible.” (Matthew 19:26)
(Third Addendum written on 29th October, 2021)
I will try my best not to add any more addendums to this Article. I keep thinking I’m writing the last addendum but then I write something more and feel the need to add it here.
This happened again a short while ago. After I wrote another Article, I prayed to God along the following lines, as I felt led to do:
- “Father in heaven, when you make me a wife and mother, as I am still trusting you to do, cause it to be such a compelling testimony, that it convicts the unsaved, the backslidden and the lukewarm. Let it redound to your glory alone and cause them to know undoubtedly that IT IS YOU that have done it, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”
May God arise and show himself mighty and powerful.
(Fourth Addendum written on 4th November, 2021)
Ironically, I had titled the Fourth Addendum above as my Final Addendum but all that changed when something came to mind from God’s Word today. I simply had to share it here.
In liaising with a sibling of mine a few days ago, I mentioned something about my future marriage, to which he replied, “You still looking for that?”
He did not mean to discourage me but after witnessing my being single for all these years and the fact that I was now at an age that was considered to be officially hopeless, he was simply expressing the fact that he did not believe it would ever happen for me again.
I understood where he was coming from but I promptly replied, “Yes.”
I know he probably thought I was delusional. Here I was beginning to battle gray hairs and still talking about a future spouse. Hadn’t I seen how many years had passed and I remained in the same condition?
Yet, I see what happened to the man in John 5 who had an infirmity (sickness) for thirty eight years! Verse 6 states, “When Jesus saw him lie, and knew that he had been now a long time in that case, he saith unto him, Wilt thou be made whole?” Shortly thereafter, Jesus healed him with the words, “Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.”
It wasn’t therefore that I hadn’t seen how long I had been in the same condition. It was that I believed God. I believe that he gave me a promise in 2013 and directly from his Word, the Bible, that he would provide me with my own family. I know that 2013 seems like a long time ago but I have held on to it all these years.
In any event, even if he hadn’t told me what I believe he promised me and I heard wrong, he is God and is all-powerful. I believe that he is therefore able to do it and easily. Despite how many years have passed, I believe beyond the shadow of a doubt, that the only thing that is needed to change my circumstance and to take me from single, to courting to married, is the word of God. At his word, once he gives the instruction in his set time, it is bound to happen. The wall preventing me from moving forward is bound to come down, even as the Jericho wall did in the Bible and it would come tumbling down, despite my age and the endless years of singleness.
Additionally, this evening, as I read the story with another man named Jairus in the Bible, it dawned on me, that this man knew what it felt like, for people around him to have given up on the miracle he hoped that Jesus would perform for him. In his situation, his daughter was so sick, that she was close to dying. Her only hope for living was in Jesus and so this father tried his best to get to him in time, to put in his urgent request.
In Mark 2:22-24, it reads:
- “And, behold, there cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue, Jairus by name; and when he saw him, he fell at his feet, And besought him greatly, saying, My little daughter lieth at the point of death: I pray thee, come and lay thy hands on her, that she may be healed; and she shall live. And Jesus went with him; and much people followed him, and thronged him.”
This reminds me of the fact that sometimes we find ourselves in such seemingly hopeless situations, situations that we know that no one (including ourselves) can help us with, that we fall prostrate at the feet of Jesus, the only one that can help us and intervene to make any kind of a difference. In our sterile situation, we know that only he could do something to change our situation, if he in his mercy, decides to do so.
Jairus, being the ruler of the synagogue, may have used his money and influence to get his daughter help from the very best doctors around but like Job uttered when he was dealing with his adversity and found the help of man to be useless, Jairus may have found that they were all physicians of no value (Job 13:4). Jairus therefore decided to ask Jesus for help, clearly believing from the other miracles he may have heard or even witnessed Jesus working, that he could heal his daughter of her sickness, though she was close to death. For this petition, he did not rely on servants or any of the persons in his house but went personally on this journey, to Jesus THE Great Physician. He was desperate, hurting and he must have known that every moment counted. For, this was his only daughter and she was dying!
Thankfully, he got to Jesus, begged him to come to his house and Jesus began to follow but it seemed that their pace was being slowed by the crowd of people surrounding the Lord. As if this was not enough to alarm Jairus because he needed Jesus to get to his house quick, he then heard something similar to what I heard from my sibling. What he heard was enough to knock his lights out, so-to-speak, to make him just fall down, put his face in his hands and cry. For, it was a statement that basically conveyed that all hope was lost, that any further effort would be a complete waste of time.
Nobody likes to be told that there is no hope left, no matter what they face but like me in my singleness, this was exactly what Jairus was being told. In verse 35, it states of Jesus that, “While he yet spake, there came from the ruler of the synagogue’s house certain which said, “Thy daughter is dead: why troublest thou the Master any further?”
“Thy daughter is dead. Why troublest the Master any further?”
Can you imagine the sinking feeling that Jairus felt? To go from panicking that he wouldn’t get to Jesus in time, to relief that he finally got to Jesus and he was on his way to his house (although slowed by the crowd), to hoping against hope that maybe there was still a chance that his daughter could be saved, if only they could reach in time, to then be told crushingly, that all hope was lost because she was dead.
This reminds me of those who have told me that my dream of having a family of my own, is dead. They have looked at my life, seen nothing happening after all of these years in that department and given my age, they think to themselves, as I continue to approach the throne of grace with my request for the umpteenth time, “Why troublest thou the Master any further?”
Should I listen to them? Should I give up? Should I agree that too much time has passed and accept that my dream is dead? What would Jesus want me to do?
Well, I believe I have my answer, from what Jesus told Jairus, in response to what was said. Verse 36 states, “As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he saith unto the ruler of the synagogue, BE NOT AFRAID, ONLY BELIEVE.”
Jesus counteracted the words of doom and gloom with wonderful hope and he wanted Jairus to believe, against all hope, that there was STILL hope, in Him.
The same Jesus that dealt with Jairus back then is the same Jesus that is alive today and he never changes. His power to do what everybody thinks is too late to do, has not waned. I therefore believe that his advice to me, despite how dismal everything looks, is the same. I need to not fear, to hold on to my faith and to trust that he can and will perform for me, this miracle that I have longed for, for many years and for which, like Jairus, I have petitioned.
Despite the fact that people around me think my dream is dead and that still praying to God to intervene in my situation is a waste of time at this juncture, I will continue to pray, continue to dream, continue to hope and yes, continue to plan. For if I FEAR NOT and BELIEVE ONLY, once God has purposed to work this miracle, by his grace and according to his loving kindness and mercy, I shall be married and have that family that I’ve dreamed about since in my teens.
When he does it, when Jesus finally intervenes to work this miracle, as only He can do, the beautiful thing about it is that HIS NAME will be glorified, even as it was when he finally got to Jairus’ house and raised his dead daughter back to life.
When he, THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE, finally gets to my location, I believe that the same will be true of my situation. My season will change. My dreams which looked dead will all be brought back to life and I have purposed in my heart (because I know what the pain of sterility, disappointment and discouragement feels like), to give my Lord ALL the praise and publicly.
(Final Addendum written on 11th January, 2022)
I know. I referred to my previous addendum as the final one on this subject of faith versus doubt but in my reading this entire Article again and the addendums, I felt the need to upload some verses here from the book of Ezekiel, which I absolutely love. What better way to end than with the Word of God?
These verses always remind me wonderfully of God’s absolute and limitless power, despite the extent of the seeming hopelessness and the length of time in a desolate situation.
In Ezekiel 37:1-14, the prophet Ezekiel testifies of his experience with God and of what he promised to do for his people. He wrote:
- “The hand of the Lord was upon me, and carried me out in the spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley which was full of bones, And caused me to pass by them round about: and, behold, there were very many in the open valley; and, lo, they were very dry. And he said unto me, Son of man, can these bones live? And I answered, O Lord God, thou knowest. Again he said unto me, Prophesy upon these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live: And I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and ye shall live; and ye shall know that I am the Lord.
- So I prophesied as I was commanded: and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone. And when I beheld, lo, the sinews and the flesh came up upon them, and the skin covered them above: but there was no breath in them. Then said he unto me, Prophesy unto the wind, prophesy, son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord God; Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe upon these slain, that they may live. So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army.
- Then he said unto me, Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel: behold, they say, Our bones are dried, and our hope is lost: we are cut off for our parts. Therefore prophesy and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, O my people, I will open your graves, and cause you to come up out of your graves, and bring you into the land of Israel. And ye shall know that I am the Lord, when I have opened your graves, O my people, and brought you up out of your graves, And shall put my spirit in you, and ye shall live, and I shall place you in your own land: then shall ye know that I the Lord have spoken it, and performed it, saith the Lord.”
(Further Final Addendum written on 18th November, 2024 – P.S: I am still single but still hoping in the power of God’s might)
(The following song has been a blessing to my heart. After listening, see a list of other recommended Articles below)
Dear Reader, if you found the above Article and Addendums to be interesting, informative, edifying or interesting, you may also be interested in reading the following:
Under the ‘COURTING or Engaged Daughters’ Page:
- Note 30 – What Will Be Your Wedding Day Message?’
Additionally, under the ‘SINGLE Daughters’ Page:
- Note 40 – ‘Please…Allow Him To Blow Your Mind’
- Note 112 – ‘Lessons I Have Learned From The Lazarus Story’
- Note 114 – ‘…But God’
- Note 117 – ‘Whose Report Will You Believe?’
- Note 123 – ‘We Serve A ‘Let There Be’ God’
- Note 124 – ‘Are You One That Has To See Before You Can Believe?’
- Note 125 – ‘Unbelief Cannot Come’
- Note 146 – ‘Three Idols In The Church – Getting Married, Having Children And Working A Secular Job’
- Note 154 – ‘They Say I Can’t But By God’s Grace I Will’
- Note 157 – ‘The Price Tag Of Success’
- Note 159 – ‘Next Stop – Victory!’
- Note 171 – ‘If That Tree Could Talk’
- Note 174 – ‘They Can Think Whatever They Like – God Will Do Whatever He Pleases’
- Note 191 -‘When God Blows Your Mind With His Answer And Leaves You Flabbergasted’
- Note 193 – ‘God Calls Me Hephzibah’
- Note 194 – ‘It Is Well’
- Note 195 – ‘When God Promises To Write-On A Write-Off’
- Note 196 – ‘A Hopeless End Or An Endless Hope?’
- Note 197 – ‘Left For Dead…Then Resurrected’
Additionally, under ‘BIBLE-BELIEVING Daughters of God’ Page:
- Note 46 – ‘Abraham’s Sacrifice’
- Note 47 – ‘Silencing The Naysayers’
- Note 174 – ‘Grace & Glory – The Lord Will Help Me’
- Note 176 – ‘How You Gonna Curse Who God Has Blessed?’
- Note 188 – ‘Opportunity To Rejoice Or A Reason To Tremble?’
Additionally, under the ‘BROKEN Daughters’ Page:
Note 33 – ‘A Comeback – Better Than Before’