(The Faith Forum Series)
When we think of enemies, we often think of the people that hate us, wish us evil, hope we fail and enjoy our pain. We think of those people who rejoice when we fall or hit a low path in life and the people that relentlessly, sometimes even subtly, plot and strategize to bring us and our reputation down.
So, in essence, if we were to associate the word ‘enemy’ with one word, we would most likely identify it with the word ‘hate’.
However, I have come to realise that enemies are not those necessarily that hate you or want to see you fail in life. They may include people in life that care about you and have been kind to you. They may even genuinely want what they perceive is best for you.
An enemy is not necessarily a hater. An enemy is one that undermines your purpose.
This may be done deliberately or inadvertently and sometimes it takes spiritual eyes to really see.
Now purpose for the Christian is not what we give to ourselves or like doing or what people believe we are to do. It is far greater than that. It is that special assignment or group of assignments that the Creator gives or desires to give to each of his created; that which you cannot shake and must achieve in order to fulfill the God-given mandate. It is custom-made, yet purpose fits snugly into a higher plan and it is all about Kingdom business.
Let none thwart you, let none side track you. You have no time for distractions. Do what God put you here to do.
Shut your ears to the critics. They can be annoying. Attune your ears to the voice of God.
He did not give them the blueprint for your life or explain the rationale behind your existence but to you, he has deposited certain spiritual gifts and talents. He has downloaded into your spirit your raison d’tre.
You may not know how it’s going to be done but one thing you know: It has to be done. You are more passionate about nothing else. This is where your heart lies. This is what moves you. This is the problem of which you have always wanted to be a part of the solution and in your own way, for as long as you can remember, you have been doing just that.
You don’t need to explain it. You don’t need to justify it. You have a special skill set designed particularly for it and deliberately given to you by the tool Master.
You just need to focus and when God gives the right timing, get busy doing it.
Look not to the left and don’t you dare look to the right.
Move forward!
On a final note, some people position themselves as your enemy for life but by the above definition, there are those that may be enemies today but not tomorrow.
Some wear the title temporarily because at a particular moment or stage in your life, they are opposed to your God-given mission or purpose. Such persons are enemies once they threaten your God-given purpose but either before or when that purpose has been established as it must, you may find that such persons may have had a change of heart, no longer pose a threat and therefore no longer deserve to be categorized as your enemy.
In all of your relationships and associations therefore, ask God for discernment, so that you can correctly and actively identify the people around you at all times.
Once you have identified your enemies at the particular stage in life that you are at, be sure to love, bless and pray for them. That is what God requires of you.
Matthew 5:44 states: “But I say unto you, LOVE your enemies, BLESS them that curse you, DO GOOD to them that hate you, and PRAY for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”
(Written on 5th September, 2015)
Dear Reader, if you found the above Article to be interesting, informative or edifying, you may also be interested in reading the following:
- Note 36 – ‘Stressful Attacks – How David, Hannah and Jehoshaphat Handled It’
- Note 39 – ‘Why The Enemy’s Attack Is My Cue To Sing’
- Note 41 – ‘Silencing The Naysayers’
- Note 103 – ‘I Will Trust God With My Enemies’
- Note 105 – ‘Are You Putting Yourself In The Line Of Fire?’
- Note 107 – ‘After They Have Done Their Worst, Yet Still I Rise’
- Note 111 – ‘What The Enemy Is After’
- Note 293 – ‘Overcoming Oppression – Spiritual Warfare’
Under ‘BIBLE-BELIEVING Daughters of God’ Page:
- Note 171 – ‘Dear Peninnah’