(The Faith Forum Series)

Most people ask God to give them strength to bear their burdens

But when through spiritual eyes he allowed me to glimpse my future

I asked him to give me strength to bear the blessings.

I had gotten so used to disappointment, rejection, heartache and loss

That those things had become my norm.

I was clueless and even afraid as to how I was supposed to operate when good things began happening and happening and happening…

My joy had never left me but how was I to do happy, when it came?

Seemingly, I had forgotten….

And I did not want euphoria to begin to compete with my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ

So when I saw all that the Lord was planning on my behalf

I knew that I would need help with the transition.

To be proactive

I asked for strength…

To deal with the overflow.


(Written on 14th March, 2016)

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