(The Abundant Life Series – Batch 2)

I recently started to read the Bible over again from the very start and this morning, I completed Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 of the first book of Genesis.

To my mind, there were many fresh lessons, as the Bible is a book that keeps on giving, no matter how many times you read a scripture. However, what stood out for me today was that three letter word called ‘SIN’ and what it does to the lives of people, once we give it access.

I cannot speak about sin as if I never have sinned. I am guilty of having sinned before I became a Christian and shamefully, after I became a Christian. What I have written below of what sin does in a life therefore is to a large extent, what I have had the displeasure of experiencing in my own life.

Sin, according to my understanding, can be defined simply as anything we do or refrain from doing, that displeases God, goes against his nature (which is good) or anything we do that disobeys or violates a command or instruction that he has given to us.

Given that God is good, anything we do that goes against his nature is evil, wicked and in keeping with the nature of the fallen angels, namely the devil and his demons.

As I read the Chapters, I began to think of what SIN, (which is the most ugly thing that we have running rampant on earth today), does to human beings.

In looking at the historical account given, of what transpired with the first four people on earth, namely, Adam and Eve and then their sons Cain and Abel, this is what caught my attention about SIN:

1. SIN only gains access when we give in to and obey the voice of temptation 

This is evident in Genesis 3:1-6.

Note that temptation existed even before Adam and Eve disobeyed God and fell into sin, so it is not something that we can get rid of. However, we do not have to give in to its demands. What we are to do is remember the Word of God when faced with temptation. The antidote to ward off temptation when it comes (because it will come) is simply to remember what God has said and to even tell the one that is tempting (whether this be the devil or our own fleshly lusts), what he has said and most importantly, to stand by what he has said. This is what Jesus did when he was tempted by the devil and he gained the victory and did not sin.

2. SIN enlightens the person who has sinned but not in a good sense

When one disobeys or displeases God and sins, his eyes are opened to the knowledge of evil (Genesis 3:7).

Adam and Eve knew, after they had sinned, that they were naked, something that they did not know before. Sin therefore made them self-conscious and not in a good way, leading them to try to sew fig leaves together to hide their nakedness and the awful vulnerability that comes when sin enters a life.

This is much like an unmarried virgin that has dabbled with some form of sexual immorality. Whereas such a person was not conscious of the sexuality of her body before, her eyes are opened due to the sin and she becomes super conscious and not in a good way. She becomes curious about sex and everything pertaining to it, even if she does not act on it and is no longer at rest because the sin has aroused a desire in her to experience more. Worse yet, if she committed fornication, this now awakens a desire and longing to continue to have sexual relations. It is because sin brings dangerous enlightenment, that there is so much evil in the world today.

Man’s eyes have been enlightened by sin, causing them not just to have a knowledge of good but also of evil. The more they sin, the more evil they come to know and to crave and to seek after, many in the form of inventions. This desire to know more, both good and evil is insatiable, scientists and engineers and astronauts being able to attest to this fact.

Yet, there are some areas of knowledge that it would be better for man’s soul not to know, as they lead to destruction. The creation of guns, nuclear weapons, evil experiments with life forms and so many other evil inventions as a result of man’s thirst to know more are a few examples of this. Ecclesiastes 7:29 tells us that “…God hath made man upright; but they have sought out many inventions.”

3. SIN blinds us as to truth, makes us delusional and distorts our ability to reason properly

Adam was so deluded by his sin, that he genuinely believed that he could hide from the one who created him. Cain also thought he could plot murder and do it and God would not know, the sin in his heart making him forget that God was over all and saw all (Genesis 3:8; 4:8-9).

This was also seen with David, who, although being a man after God’s own heart, after sinning with Bathsheba, he somehow seemed to forget that God had witnessed and also seen his charade, where he tried to have Uriah (the husband of Bathsheba) killed and eventually did. David did all of this without apparently giving thought to the fact that God had seen and that he would not be able to get away with it. Sin and its delusion, made him apparently put God to the back of his mind and operate as if he did not exist or did not see or did not care about the wrong that he (David) had done.

David therefore continued on after it all, as if he had not sinned and as if it was business as usual, only owning up to what he had done and repenting of his sin, when confronted by the man of God. This highlights the extent of sin’s effect on the one who has sinned, to delude. He stops thinking clearly. For, even where he knows the character of God, sin deludes him into thinking that God did not see or that perhaps, due to God’s love for him, God would not call him into question for his sin. Sin tells him that, despite what he has done, everything is still okay and he can continue on as normal, without consequences.

4. SIN makes us hide from the presence of the Lord or drives us from it 

This is evident in Genesis 3:8, 23, 24; 4:14, 16.

Although the presence of the Lord is the place where we are sustained because it is in him that we live, move and have our being, after Adam and Eve sinned, they tried to hide from God and were eventually driven from the Garden of Eden (a place of abundance, rest and peace) where God had initially placed them. Cain was also driven from the face of the Lord and went out from his presence, after God confronted him about his sin in murdering his brother Abel.

5. SIN introduces fear in our lives due to a separation from God 

When there is sin in our lives because we are now so much aware of ourselves and our weaknesses but no longer able to bask in the protection of the Lord, we know we are on our own, operating in our own strength for as long as we are in sin and that makes us fearful and paranoid because we know deep down, that we are inadequate when life comes up against us (Genesis 3:10; 4:13-14).

When God asked Adam where he was, Adam told God when he heard his voice in the garden, he was afraid because he was naked. Although he and his wife had tried to clothe themselves in their own strength with fig leaves, they apparently found this to not be effective since he still felt naked. He therefore hid himself from God.

God eventually had to make clothes for them, since they couldn’t do this for themselves.

Cain was also fearful after being told by God of the punishment he would receive for his sin. He was fearful of what life, outside of the presence of God, would mean for him.

6. SIN hardens the heart, creates a stubbornness in us that does not want to confess when we have done wrong and therefore creates self-righteousness 

When we sin, it is easier for us, after we have tried to cover it up and failed, to try to blame someone else instead of just humbly confessing what we have done and accepting that we were wrong. This was the case with Adam, who tried to pass the blame on to Eve and Eve, who tried to pass the blame on to the serpent. Cain also failed to confess when God asked him where his brother who he had murdered was. He lied to God, telling him that he did not know where Abel was and as if fishing for an excuse, asked God defiantly, “Am I my brother’s keeper?”

7. SIN brings a curse and punishment from God 

In particular, for humans, sin introduces sorrow and life becomes more difficult, as we saw was the case in Adam and Eve and Cain. They were driven out of where they were residing and God placed a punishment on all of them (Genesis 3:14,-19, 4:11-12).

8. SIN desires, once given access, to not just reside with the person but to take over that person and to control him or her as much as possible

This is evident in Genesis 4:7. Sin is very much like a deadly virus. It starts off small but eventually spreads with the intention of taking over the victim in whose body it occupies and destroying it in the end. This is why many people have dabbled in pornography, alcohol and drugs and have found that they are now addicted.

9. SIN is progressive 

Sin is never satisfied, once given access, to remain as just only one sin. It usually spreads and multiplies to other sins.

Cain for example was first displeased with God which was one sin, then this led him to be selfishly depressed, which was another sin, then jealous of his brother, which was another sin, then angry with God which was another sin, then apparently hating his brother, which was another sin, then apparently plotting to do evil, which was another sin, then deceiving Abel by talking to him peaceably while having the intention to murder in his heart, which was another sin, then murdering him, which was another sin, then lying to God when he asked him where his brother was, which was another sin. (Genesis 4:5-9).

10. SIN affects and infects others and can pass on to future generations 

There is no mention of a serpent deceiving Cain, perhaps because once sin had entered the world through Eve’s deception and then Adam’s disobedience to God’s Word, there was no need for a direct confrontation with Cain. Due to him being an offspring of Adam and Eve who, when they disobeyed, caused sin to enter their lives, sin was now also lodged in Cain’s DNA. The devil now had access to speak to him indirectly, through his mind, so that, if he listened and decided to give in, the sin within his DNA would rise up and engage in further acts of rebellion against God, beyond the sin of his parents. We saw this as well in the life of king David, who, after having sinned with Bathsheba, found that his sin had passed on to his children, causing them to engage in sexual immorality as well and other types of sins.

11. SIN negatively affects relationships 

Adam went from calling Eve bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh, to trying to throw her to the wolves to protect himself, when God asked what he had done. Intimacy was therefore affected. Cain and Abel’s relationship was also affected by sin with Cain reaching the boiling point of hatred and violently striking down his brother. Similarly, the relationship between David’s daughter and her half-brother Amnon was adversely affected and destroyed by sin and so was the relationship between Amnon and his half-brother Absalom and then Absalom and David.

12. SIN gives birth to (and a preoccupation with) the idea of ‘self’. That is:

  • (1) It creates a self-consciousness and a preoccupation with self that is not good – It changes the focus from looking upward to the greatness of God and outward to the beauty of what he has created, to inward. After Adam and Eve sinned, for the first time they were not looking up or outward (which was their focus before) but now, inwardly and down at themSELVES and it was then that they realized they were naked (Genesis 3:7)
  • (2) It gives birth to self-preservation and self-protection, at all costs – (Genesis 3:11-12) – Adam sought first of all to preserve himself from the wrath of God by blaming Eve, his wife, irrespective of the consequences to her. He did not know how God would respond or if he would destroy her but yet he still threw her to the wolves, just so that he could protect himSELF. Eve sought to do it as well, by blaming the serpent.
  • (3) It gives birth to self-pity – Cain felt SELF-pity which grew into other things, after his offering was refused. He also felt self-pity after, having killed his brother, he was told by God how he would be punished (Genesis 4:5), was in depression due to SELF being hurt (Genesis 4:13) and SELF cried out at the punishment God gave him because SELF thought it was too much bear.

Today, SELF has grown to gigantic proportions, paralleled to the extent to which SIN has grown rampant. Terms such as self-recognition, self-advancement, self-development, self-esteem, self-awareness, self-love and even ‘selfies’ have become popular, along with many other self-terms.

While developing as an individual is not a bad thing, if it is the sole focus in that it becomes all about me, to the point where I don’t care about others or see myself and my interests in life as more important than them and don’t invest my time in reaching out to those in my community, so as to assist them and to make their lives better, then self-development is evil. For, in essence, I have made the life that God has given me, all about ME, which was not the intention of the Lord when he created me.

When I make life all about me, I create an idol of SELF, where I view all of life as about serving ME, looking only or mainly at how things will benefit ME, how I can promote ME, what I can do for ME and making life’s decisions by what will be in the best interest of ME.

It is from self, that the pride of life, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes spoken about in 1 John 2:16, flow. It comes from a mentality that selfishly says: I want that and must get that, for ME, irrespective of the cost, the inconvenience to others or the sacrifice.


Apart from what can be learned from Adam & Eve and Cain & Abel’s story, there are other destructive tendencies of SIN which have not been mentioned above. For example:

13. SIN is a magnet that attracts greater trouble in the life of an individual

This is true in relation to all human beings, saved or unsaved.

However, in particular, when a believer sins, this makes him or her vulnerable to be attacked by the enemy and for a whole lot of heartache, trouble and woe to come to the life of that individual. For, it appears that God removes the hedge of protection from around that person (to the degree that He permits) and the enemy capitalizes on this opportunity, positioning himself eagerly to attack him or her, whether this be physically, financially, psychologically, relationship-wise or otherwise. 

1 John 5:18 states: “We know that whosoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.”

This is true. God’s protection is available to the believer, so that he cannot be touched by the enemy, unless God allows it, as we saw with Job. However, when the believer sins, he gives the enemy leeway or a foothold to touch him, to the extent that God permits and this can be both painful and devastating.

In 1 Corinthians 5:5, Paul spoke of delivering a sinning brother in the Church unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus. In 1 Timothy 1:20, he also stated that he had delivered Hymenaeus and Alexander unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme.

Sin therefore attracts more trouble because it opens doors for the enemy to gain access in the life and so should be avoided at all costs.

14. SIN is a chord that entangles and firmly holds

Sin is difficult to be free from. It is a chord that entangles and it does not like to let go of its victim, even when the victim desires to be free.

David learned this the hard way. In Psalm 40, he confessed to God: “For innumerable evils have compassed me about: mine iniquities HAVE TAKEN HOLD upon me, so that I am not able to look up; they are more than the hairs of my head: therefore my heart faileth me.”

In Proverbs 5:22 it states: “His own iniquities shall take the wicked himself, and HE SHALL BE HOLDEN WITH THE CORDS OF HIS SINS.”

I believe that this is the reason why people (including Christians), fight addictions and deal with inner struggles and strongholds. Long after they have committed a sin act, that sin fights to entangle them in its cords, making it extremely difficult to be free. Even where they have repented of the sin they committed, consequences, reminders and problems originating from that sin try their best to trail after them, even as the Egyptians stubbornly sought to pursue after the children of Israel, after they had already left Egypt.

It is because sin is a chord that has the ability to entangle and firmly holds, that Galatians 5:1 warns Christians who Christ has liberated, to: “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not ENTANGLED again with the yoke of bondage.”

On the whole, sin is like a spider’s web or a rope and seeks to entangle and trap with chords that are difficult to break free from. When a person has sinned and wants to be free from it, sin does not remain passive. It rises up and fights to remain a part of the life of that person and quite frankly, refuses to let go.

If that person does not break free, he or she will be resigned to a life that is stuck, sterile, stagnant and unproductive because sin is a heavy load to bear and it becomes heavier with every passing moment that it lingers. Its desire is to weigh the individual down until he or she is of no use to himself or herself, to God and to others and is ultimately destroyed.

15. SIN leaves a wake of terrible destruction, heartbreak, sorrow and regret in its path.

It does serious damage, not just to the person who has sinned but those around him or her. The person need not have set out to hurt people, only set out to serve himself or herself over God’s will, His Word and His way and there will be a sea of damage. People will be hurt.

Such a person may look back and be genuinely shocked at how many people he or she hurt and how much damage his or her actions sowed, when he or she genuinely had absolutely no intention of creating all of that mess.

For example, the person may have simply set out to give his or her genuine views about someone to a friend (gossip) or to fool around with that guy because she wanted to be loved so badly (immorality). He or she only intended to tell one little white lie at the workplace or to steal just a little bit of money, to buy that shoe that he or she always wanted.

Yet, in choosing to disobey God and to be selfish and to serve self, even if only for a little while, the damage, hurt and pain that is caused (whether intentional or non-intentional) is sometimes so much and goes on for so long, that the person who sinned is astounded, genuinely flabbergasted, as to how far reaching, destructive and painful, sin can be.

This is especially true of a person that is a child of God because the devil hates him or her. He therefore loves it when God’s children sin because it gives him ammunition to use against them, so as to undermine their testimony of Jesus, to stir up as much trouble as possible and to hurt others.

I have experienced this personally. Almost everything I do or say that is not glorifying to God, I have realized that the devil almost always finds a way to stir up trouble with it.

It has at times baffled me. I could not understand for example, how so many people that I know (even professing Christians), could say whatever they liked, express their views and spend endless time gossiping and no trouble come out of it but yet if I so much as breathe two words about someone to anyone, even if I don’t do it often, almost 100% of the time, the devil finds a way to get it back to the ears of the person, to possibly change up some of what I said and make it even worse and to stir up as much trouble as possible.

The flesh in me thinks defiantly, “But I was simply expressing my honest opinion. I never meant to hurt or harm anyone! Who doesn’t confide in a ‘friend’ as to what they think about a situation involving someone, from time to time? Who doesn’t share their views about issues pertaining to other people every once in a while? Why am I being raked over the coals for this?”

Yet I know the answer. Yet, I am convicted in my spirit because I know that the enemy was able to use what I said to stir up a whole heap of trouble…because I shouldn’t have said it in the first place. It was sin. I am entitled to my views but I shouldn’t have shared it with anyone.

Things have gotten to the point where, anytime I forget and slip and speak about anyone with anyone, I am reminded of the fact that this is a sin because the enemy uses it against me. It is almost as if he is poised on the very outskirts and waiting eagerly for an opportunity just to get words out of my mouth that are not pleasing to God, to run off and go spread it.

Yes, I have slowly come to realize that he hates me that much, which must be because God loves me so much and has a mighty work for me to do for HIS glory and in that vein, I am considered to be a MAJOR threat to his diabolical agenda. The enemy is therefore working overtime to try to undermine God’s call on my life in every way possible and through my sinful actions, I have foolishly been giving him opportunity to do so!

I have learned therefore to practise silence, to keep my opinions to myself, not to be led on by people coming to ask me questions mischievously to get my views on matters so as to go back and stir up trouble, to avoid unrepentant gossipers at all costs and to keep a still tongue. For “…the adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.” (1 Peter 5:8). I must be careful, vigilant and sober in all my dealings therefore, so that I give no place to the devil (Ephesians 4:27).

Sadly, feeling genuinely sorry about your sin does not take away the hurt you caused others.

You can repent and seek God’s forgiveness (and if possible and prudent dependent on the circumstances, the forgiveness as well, of those you hurt). Whether they forgive you or not, God will forgive you but even then, the fact of the matter remains, that what you did, you cannot undo and this can weigh heavily on your mind and heart. The damage has already been done and some consequences continue even after God’s forgiveness, as I stated before.

You are not to walk around weighed down with guilt once you have confessed and forsaken your sin but the fact that you hurt people is a sobering thought that you may have to continue to bear. If it is any consolation though, remember that the people you hurt are not perfect. They too have hurt people in terrible ways and done dumb, selfish things in this life and are therefore in need of God’s and people’s forgiveness as well. Not one of them are perfect or without sin and so have no right to hold what you did perpetually over your head. There ain’t none righteous. No, NOT ONE. We have ALL sinned and come SHORT of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).

The only person entitled to hold anything against you therefore and to hold on to unforgiveness is the person that never sinned against God or anyone. That is a perfect person and only Jesus fits that bill. If you have repented therefore, confessed your sin and Jesus who is perfect, has decided to show you mercy and has forgiven you, you can move on.

James 2:13 declares “For he shall have judgment without mercy, that hath shewed no mercy; and MERCY REJOICETH AGAINST JUDGMENT.”

This brings me to my next point.

16. SIN is unmerciful and wants to see you punished for your wrong doing for ever and ever, even if, as a believer, you have repented.

Sin will try to guilt you for a lifetime over what you did because this will derail you, keep you stuck and unable to move forward. This is an internal battle but by the grace of God, it can be won. The devil will send people, even after you have repented, to remind you of your past, where you went wrong, how you sinned and hold what you did against you perpetually but you can extinguish that perpetual guilt attack which is from the devil with the Word of God.

Think of the men in the Bible who did great things for the Lord but at one point or another, had sinned against him. They did not stay there. They repented, got up, brushed themselves off and got back in that ring, called life. They went on to do even greater things for the Lord than before and this was because they kept their eyes on Jesus, careful not to ever lose focus again.

Peter is one example. David is another.

17. SIN locates you wherever you go, irrespective of how long ago you messed with it, unless its hold is broken.

This one is chilling but it is true. For example, you may find seeds of that sin (sometimes known as consequences) following you as you seek to move on in life and to get past your failures, although you have confessed and forsaken and repented of that sin. Strange things may happen in your life and if you are honest with yourself, you know it was because of a sin seed you sowed, maybe years before.

This is part of what I mean when I say that sin has consequences. Thankfully though, the power of sin, though strong is not greater than the power of God. Romans 5:20 states, “…where sin abounded, grace did much more abound.”

This is not an excuse to continue in sin. Instead, through God’s grace, we are assured that we can be free of sin. We must therefore flee it at all costs, ask God to break whatever hold it may have and to let it not dominate our lives.


Clearly, sin is disastrously powerful and sadly, today it is out of control. It paints a dismal picture and it is really terrible.

Unfortunately for all of mankind, due to the initial sins of Adam and Eve, we all now come into the world with SIN in our DNA and therefore, we also commit various sins on a daily basis, to our detriment.

As if that was not bad enough, God already pronounced that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). We are therefore all guilty, as we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God and we are therefore all worthy to be put to death (Romans 3:23). From the moment we are born in our sin state, the wrath of God which hates sin, hangs over our head, ready to descend upon us at any moment.

This wrath is not abated when we die physically, as God has also pronounced spiritual death upon us, which takes place after we die. That is, those who die with the sin disease without ever being cleansed from it, will be sent to hell by God, as no sinner will be allowed into God’s perfect heaven.

Thankfully though, God has made provision for the sin in us to be conquered, by sending Jesus Christ, his Son, in whom there was no sin at all, to earth, to die in our place as a substitute, for our many sins. 1 John 2:2 states of Jesus “And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.”

Colossians 2:13-15 states, referring to all of those that place their trust in Jesus to save them from the disastrous effects of sin and the wrath of God to come:

  • “And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”

Although Jesus was killed by sinful men, after three days, he rose again from the dead because the Son of God is Lord over death and so cannot stay dead. The Bible states that those that believe this in their hearts and confess with their mouths that he is Lord, will be forgiven of all of their sins, washed in the perfect blood of the Lord Jesus Christ, sanctified and made righteous in the sight of God because of him.

Romans 10:9-10 states:

  • “…if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”

1 John 1:9 states: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

Such persons who have believed on Jesus, will then receive an eternal inheritance when they die or Jesus returns, by being given access to heaven, while avoiding hell which will be for the devils, demons and all those who decided in life to continue on in their sins and disobedience, without asking Jesus for forgiveness. Those who receive Jesus will gain access to heaven despite their sinful past because when they believed on Him and confessed with their mouth that he is Lord, Jesus clothed them spiritually in his perfect robe of righteousness. God therefore sees them as covered perfectly, not in any good works that they have done (which is not good enough) but in the perfect, sinless, righteousness of his Son, Jesus Christ.

Romans 5 explains this beautifully, from beginning to end, when it speaks of those that were sinners but have accepted Jesus Christ into their hearts and have been delivered therefore, from the PENALTY of sin (positional sanctification) are being delivered daily from the POWER of sin (progressive sanctification) and will be completely free from the PRESENCE of it when they die and go to heaven (glorification).

It explains the mess that was created by Adam (meaning him and Eve, who was a part of him, given that she was created using one of his ribs). The scripture states:

  • “Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God…For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life. And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement. Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned. (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
  • But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many…For if by one man’s offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous…That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.”

How about you? Do you want to be free from the penalty of sin which is in your DNA?

I think that sin is often underestimated and regarded as merely a violation of God’s divine laws. However, although this is where sin originates, people don’t realize how destructive it is. It is almost person-like and alive. It is like a monster that grows, pursues its subject and clings tightly to it, reluctant to let go.

This is why you may find that you commit a sin in one place, unknown to men and it manifests itself as a sort of continuation, in another place and even in another form. You may wonder why this happened but it is because you gave birth to the sin at one location and it has therefore followed you to the next. This may be true even after you have repented of the initial sin because sin is extremely clingy, never ever wants to let go until it completely destroys you and will fight you tooth and nail, to hold on to you.

Once you have given birth to it by disobeying God, it is difficult to kill, although it CAN be done by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. As stated before, this is why so many people have struggles and addictions. That is sin fighting against their desire to be free because it wants to stay alive at their detriment and keep them hostage.

That sin grows and its objective is to control you and to make you its Master. Sin is very controlling. It is like a spark that, left unattended and without the water of the Word to put it out, will grow into a mighty flame that will destroy as much as possible in its wake. The longer it takes for you to put out that fire, like a cancer, it spreads and becomes more difficult to control.

Sin therefore is life-like and has a definite personality. It is more dangerous than we realize and its main objective is to destroy humanity.

If you have never asked the Lord Jesus Christ to come into your heart and have never believed that he rose again from the dead because you were born with the deadly poison of sin in your DNA, it still resides there. You need to get rid of it, as it will bring you nothing but pain.

If you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the true and living God, that he died but rose from the dead and is therefore Lord over all and that he is coming again, then why not confess him out loud as Lord, right now with your mouth and surrender your whole life to his complete control?

Here is what you can pray, if you really want to be saved from sin, its destruction and hell:

If on the other hand, like me, you are a Christian that has sinned, this is not a good thing at all. You need to come to God humbly, confess and repent for what you’ve done, asking him to forgive you of that sin and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Thankfully, forgiveness and cleansing from sin is available to even the Christian who sinned after coming to Jesus. It matters not what the sin is. Even if you stole, cursed, gossiped, lied or committed some heinous act, like the Father of the prodigal son, once you admit that you have sinned and return in repentance and confession, God the Father waits with open arms to embrace you. He is not happy that you sinned but he rejoices that you have returned.

In 1 John 2:1, it says to those who believe on Jesus Christ: “My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous.”

1 John 1:9 assures us: “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL unrighteousness.”

(Written on 19th September, 2018)

Dear reader, if you found this Article to be interesting, informative, beneficial or edifying, you may also be interested in reading the following:

  • Note 172 – ‘What Do We Have To Show For Our Folly?
  • Note 203 – ‘Were You Deceived Or Disobedient?

Also, under the ‘BIBLE-BELIEVING Daughters’ page:

  • Note 283 – ‘The Consequences Of Our Wrongdoing’

Also, under the ‘BROKEN Daughters’ page:

  • Note 57 – ‘Eight (8) Lessons About Sin’

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