(The Faith Forum Series – Batch 3)
God is not limited by those who look down on you. He doesn’t need to ask permission or get an okay from those that hate you or think little of you, before he chooses to promote or bless you.
What HE thinks of you is all that matters. People’s opinions have no power to stop your purpose once you keep submitting to God through Christ Jesus. If it is his will that you be married, people can think and say whatever they want to the contrary, you WILL be married. If it is his will to bless you and your husband with a child or promote you at your workplace or increase your finances or give you a house or have you operate in a particular Ministry, people are powerless to stop it.
It is only what God has willed in your life that matters. He has been in the business of DEFEATING EXPECTATIONS for a very long time, even in the Bible days. Irrespective of what people think, God does what he pleases.
Despite what his brothers said and thought about him, how much they hated him and the extent to which they went to try to destroy him in the full EXPECTATION that that would be the end of him, he became second in command over all of Egypt because that was God’s plan for his life.
Despite his brothers misreading his motives, how much king Saul detested him and the battles he had to fight against his enemies who EXPECTED him to fail, he still became king over all of Judah and Israel because God willed it to be so.
If you still don’t believe me, ask PETER.
He was placed in prison between two guards with chains and two additional keepers of the door and with a plan hatched to kill him the next morning. Instead, his chains were loosed during the night and he was miraculously brought out from the first and second ward of the prison and then the iron gate, by an angel. This was done while the guards slept and God thereby defeated the EXPECTATION of the wicked because he is sovereign and in ultimate control.
In Acts 12:11, Peter, a free man and with no longer a death sentence over his head, stated: “…Now I know of a surety, that the Lord hath sent his angel, and hath delivered me out of the hand of Herod, and from all the EXPECTATION of the people of the Jews.”
Finally, ask JESUS.
The world EXPECTED him to stay dead after he was wrongly accused, sentenced to death, spit on and crucified painfully on the cross. By the power and will of God the Father however, he rose up from that grave on the third day and appeared to many, showing that he had triumphed over death and people’s EXPECTATIONS.
In Matthew 28:5-7, after Jesus had risen from the dead and the women who had gone to his sepulchure (grave site) saw the stone removed and his body not there, an angel of the Lord told them:
- “Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for he is risen, as he said…And go quickly, and tell his disciples that he is risen from the dead; and, behold, he goeth before you into Galilee; there shall ye see him: lo, I have told you.”
Having considered what God did and how he defeated the EXPECTATIONS of people in relation to Joseph, David, Peter and his Son Jesus, if you believe in your heart that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day, as the Bible attests and you have confessed him as Lord with your mouth, then as a Christian filled with God’s resurrection power, let your philosophy in relation to those who EXPECT you to fail in life therefore be: You can think whatever you like. My God will do whatever he pleases.
(Written on 29th July, 2018)
ADDENDUM: I wrote on 28th August, 2019:
- “There are people that EXPECT me to fail, THINK I will fail, HOPE I will fail, WANT me to fail, WILL me to fail, CONSIDER me as having already failed or are WAITING in anticipation for entertainment purposes, for news that I have failed. Then there are those who are neutral and care not whether I succeed or fail. BUT GOD. Defeat their expectations God. Overthrow the will of man in relation to my life, where it is founded in either wickedness or faithlessness. Keep me from failing even as you did for Jabez. Uphold me with the right hand of your righteousness, in Jesus’ mighty name, Amen.”
Dear Reader, if you found the above Article useful, informative, edifying or interesting, you may also be interested in reading the following:
- Note 171 – ‘If That Tree Could Talk’
- Note 196 – ‘A Hopeless End Or An Endless Hope?’
- Note 197 – ‘Left For Dead…Then Resurrected’