(The Single Woman Series – Batch 3)
About two (2) weeks ago, I kept hearing the same thing being repeated by about five different sources, that I should wait on the Lord. For example, I tuned in as I usually did to the short 5 minute or so clip sent to different Christians by a fellow Christian and Preacher on whatsApp, to find that the topic for the morning was to wait on the Lord.
Similarly, for about a week, the theme of some christian sites I usually look at online and through other sources, was waiting on God. After about the fourth consistent message, I was puzzled, as to why this was happening all of a sudden and if God was saying that I should wait, for what? I also pondered as to why this message was being sent to me repeatedly at that point in time in my life.
Then, I remembered. The week prior, I had gone to God in prayer and asked him to let me know once and for all, if he intended to send me a husband or not. I told him that I would be okay with whatever the answer was but that if he did not intend to ever send me a husband, I did not want to waste any more time hoping and believing that he would. If I was never going to get married, I told him that I wanted to know so that I could grieve and then get over it and use the rest of the time I had left on earth to focus on more productive things. I told him that whether or not he granted me a husband, I knew that I would be okay in this life and was confident that he was all I needed to get me through it successfully.
Then the answer came all of the week thereafter, with the unexpected: WAIT.
It wasn’t the way I expected him to answer me but I am thankful that he did and in the way he chose, he confirmed that I would get married someday, just not today. He had the timing planned, the circumstances orchestrated for presenting me to the one he wanted for me and I should just WAIT.
When it dawned on me that it was the answer to my prayer, although my age was at an all time high, I said something to the effect of, “Lord, I will wait on you. I have no problem with that. I trust you and your timing. I will wait.”
So, I am getting married. It is exciting. I asked God to confirm whether what I had believed he told me in 2013 and 2014 was really that I would marry and have a family one day and he did just that.
Thank you Lord. This thirty six year old will wait, for although I may be an older bride than I had anticipated and desired, time is in your hands and I would much prefer to bring you glory as an older bride than to have married much earlier and out of your perfect timing.
This child will wait.
(Written on 13th August, 2017)
Dear Reader, if you found the above Article to be informative, edifying, beneficial or interesting, you may also be interested in reading the following under the ‘COURTING OR ENGAGED Daughters of God’ Page:
- Note 37 – ‘What Does It Mean To Wait With A Good Attitude?’
I wrote the above Article on 13th August, 2017 about a promise I believe God gave me in 2013. Today is 6th May, 2021 and no man has yet appeared on the horizon. Yet, I STILL believe what God said and although I am totally undeserving, I STILL believe that he will bring all that he said to pass, in my life, not for my grandeur but for his glory and his praise.
Close to four (4) years later therefore from my last write-up and in fact, eight (8) years from the date I believe God gave me the promise, I am older, still single but I STILL believe and so I have still resolved to WAIT.
I believe that whatever he told me would happen, WILL happen one day because he NEVER lies. It is therefore a DONE deal. As much as I wish I had married earlier, I realize that my life is not my own and that it is therefore not my will but His that is to be done in my life.
No matter how old you are …WAIT. No matter how badly you want to be loved, WAIT. No matter how much you want to be a mother one day, WAIT. No matter how much you dream of that One-day Wedding and Honeymoon and feel impatient sometimes because Prince Charming is taking so long to arrive, WAIT. Even where you see things happening for others and people moving on with their lives and their love stories, while you seemingly remain at the same point, my advice to you is be happy for them (especially when you see God working beautifully in their lives) and WAIT…on the Lord.
He has a proven track record that HIS timing is best and those that wait on Him are NEVER ashamed.
His will is perfect. He knows what he is doing. When he took four days to arrive at the scene where Lazarus had gone from dying to dead and was now stinking, he knew what he was doing and no matter how the situation ‘looked’, he was right on time.
Forget about what people are saying or what they have said. Did they write your life script? Are you here to bring them glory or God?
WAIT while you trust your heavenly Father to get you to where he has purposed for you to be and in fine style, right on the time that HE has appointed.
(Written on 6th May, 2021)