(The Setting A Good Foundation Series)
Many people go into marriage expecting to get out of it what they did not put in.
Marriage I have often heard is like a bank account or a bag. It is empty when you start it and you only get out of it what you put in.
Sadly, some even begin taking out of that bag or account before they wed, on credit, meaning that they begin their marriage not just with a balance of zero in their account but with the poor foundation of an overdraft or a loan, which must be repaid or reversed before any idea of savings or an investment into that marriage, in the form of ‘happiness’ deposits can be entertained.
Such situations are not hopeless. However, for such couples, it means that they will need to put more into the bag for the marriage to work, than other couples, so as to (1) compensate for what was taken out prematurely and then, (2) when there is no longer an overdraft, to begin to place deposits for the marriage to be blessed with.
In such cases, marriage will mean extra hard work, as the foundation has to be fixed before there can be any semblance of a good married life.
As stated before though, despite the extent of the effort that will need to be put in, there is still hope for such marriages, especially if the couples allow Jesus Christ to enter into the picture and to manage their marriage account. If he is given full reign of their lives and of their marriage, if they both realize how much they have messed up and acknowledge that they need his help, if they truly surrender control of the account to him, he is so good and so skilled and so powerfully competent, that he is able to reverse any bad decisions the parties may have made prior and enable them to move on reaping beautiful marriage dividends.
(Written on 23rd April, 2017, adjusted on 06th April, 2020)