In Psalm 31:12, David said to God: “I am forgotten as a dead man out of mind: I am like a broken vessel.”
In the wee hours of this morning, while looking for a photo for something I was about to publish on my ‘BROKEN Daughters of God – Hephzibah Diaries’ Facebook Page, I came upon something that I never knew existed.
When I found it, it was so impactful, that I had to just stop and ponder on it for a while and in particular, the lessons that were to be derived spiritually.
I discovered beautifully magnificent photos of art done by the Japanese, which involved taking the broken, otherwise useless fragments and pieces of pottery, a bowl, a pot, a vessel or a dish and putting them back together again. The end result was so spectacular that it reminded me of the depth and power of God’s grace.
The pictures above are of items that were broken or fractured but put back together beautifully with gold. Jesus does something similar but better with the hearts of his children. No matter how many shattered pieces there are, no matter how shameful or discarded or accounted by man to be useless, he can do a work that only he can do and bring beauty and wholeness to every life that submits to Him.
These pictures and what Jesus does, remind me of the verse that reads: “And the vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another vessel, as seemed good to the potter to make it.” (Jeremiah 18:4 KJV)
Psalm 147:2-3 also states: “The Lord doth BUILD UP Jerusalem: he GATHERETH TOGETHER the outcasts of Israel. He HEALETH THE BROKEN in heart, and BINDETH UP their wounds.”
This is exactly what the Samaritan man did when he met the man who had been robbed, beaten and left half-dead on the side of the road. He did not say, “Why bother, what’s the use. He is too far gone to help.” He did not condemn that man to hopelessness prematurely and leave him to die but like Jesus does with the soul of every wretched sinner that he saves, according to his mercy, the Bible states that: “…when he saw him, he had compassion on him, And went to him, and BOUND UP his wounds, POURING IN OIL AND WINE, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.”
You may be broken because people have hurt you, mistreated you, rejected you, condemned you, given you up as hopeless, insignificant, a write-off or forsaken you or you may feel broken because of your own disobedience to God’s Word.
Whatever your situation or however your brokenness may have come about, it is important that you remember that JESUS can help you. He can SAVE the unsaved and even RESTORE Christians who sinned against him.
If you are a Christian who messed up and you want to get things right with the Lord or you want to be free of your past and to move on in life with Jesus, be sure to read the valuable Articles (Notes) on this Website. I am confident, by the grace of God, that they can help you in your situation.
As one writer once put it:
- “Just because you’ve been broken, doesn’t mean you’re worthless. There is artistry to be unveiled in the fragments and ashes. When people ask about a scar we can tell them the story of how God REDEEMED the brokenness. We can show the beauty of his redemptive and RESTORATIVE power from those shattered parts of our lives. We can point people to a healer, and an artist. We can point them to…Jesus.”
You may also click on the ‘PHOTO’ section for quotes in the Albums on my ‘Broken Daughters of God- Hephzibah Diaries’ Facebook Page as follows:
1. BACKSLIDDEN (Call To Repent) Quotes
2. DELIVERANCE FROM GUILT & SHAME (After Repentance) Quotes
5. HEPHZIBAH DIARIES (Broken Women) Quotes
Link: https://www.facebook.com/brokendaughtersofGod
(Written on 10th January, 2021)
Dear Reader, if you found the above Note to be interesting, edifying or informative, you may also be interested in reading the following:
- Note 21 – ‘The Blessing Of Brokenness’