On the 8th July, 2020, on my ‘SINGLE Daughters of God-Hephzibah Diaries’ Facebook Page, I posted the following quote:

Most people who commented on the quote were in agreement and responded with the word ‘Amen’. However, one person’s response caught my attention. She wrote: “Ya waan bet?? Yuh ain’t meet sum ppl yet.”
This lady was implying that there were some people that were so bad, so evil and that had done so much wrong in life, that not even Jesus could help them.
I could not allow this sort of thinking (which was a lie) to be left unattended and so I responded, substantiated by the Word of God.
I wrote underneath her comment, the following:
- “The Bible says of the heart of mankind (including your heart and mine) that it is “…deceitful above all things and desperately wicked…” Your heart, my heart and that of all human beings is so full of evil, that God has declared you, me and every human being to be unrighteous. Romans 3:10 says “There is NONE righteous; No not one.” For, as Romans 3:23 points out, “ALL have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”
- Whether a person commits what we consider to be big sins or small sins, we are ALL guilty before God and ALL worthy of condemnation. However, the Lord invites us ALL (irrespective of how messed up we are) to come to him through FAITH in Jesus Christ his Son.
- In Isaiah 1:18, he stated through his Prophet: “Come now, and let us reason together… though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.”
- Some people may be considered to be very evil therefore and they may have done a lot of wrong but the same God that is willing to forgive you and me for the many sins we have committed since we were born on this earth is also willing and able to forgive such persons as well, if they believe in the resurrection of his Son the Lord Jesus Christ and confess with their mouth that he is Lord (Romans 10:9-10).
- What seems too hard or impossible with men is possible with God (Matthew 19:26). The invitation is therefore offered to all, no matter how many sins they have committed thus far. No person is too far gone for Jesus to help and to heal. No person is too hopeless or a write-off for him to cleanse.
- That is the POWER of the gospel. Hence the reason Paul stated in Romans 1:16 as to why he was declaring the gospel of faith in Jesus Christ: “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to EVERYONE that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.”
Today, I say the same to you. No matter what your past looks like, how many times you have gone down the wrong path or how wicked a person you have been, God’s invitation for FORGIVENESS, CLEANSING, HEALING, TRANSFORMATION and ETERNAL LIFE is open to you. No one is exempted.
What you have done and the life you have lived may have been truly awful but the God of heaven and earth is truly awesome. He extends his grace to you because when Jesus died on the cross as a substitute for the sins of the whole world, he included you in that list. He could have left you out but he didn’t. He died for you too.
Come to Him therefore, no matter your past, no matter how people think of you, no matter if you know that you are no good and feel like scum.
Jesus is able to give you life and more abundantly, if you would believe on Him (John 10:10).
The Bible is God’s Book of truth to mankind. In it, he lets us know that his Son the Lord Jesus Christ came to earth years ago in human form but was killed by wicked men, who hated how pure and perfect and holy he was and was jealous of the miracles he worked. However, God’s Word the Bible also lets us know that Jesus was only captured and killed because as God the Son, he allowed them to do so. He was all powerful but allowed them, his own creation, to capture him and kill him because this was the plan of heaven, the only way made possible for mankind (you and me and the whole world) to be redeemed or brought back into relationship with God, due to our sins.
Philippians 2:6-8 states of him and how low in humility he stooped in coming down from heaven, taking on the form of a mere human being, allowing himself to be captured, spit on, hit, insulted and killed by his own creation on the cross, that he:
- “…being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”
The Bible states that on the third day after this ordeal, just as Jesus had said would happen before he was captured and killed, he rose up victoriously from the grave. For, he was God the Son and therefore all powerful. Not even death could keep him in the grave.
Now, God extends an invitation to the world, that whosoever believes in his heart that Jesus rose from the dead and confesses with his mouth that Jesus is Lord, God will forgive him, no matter his past, of all of his sins.
In John 3:13-18, while here on earth, Jesus, who often referred to himself as the Son of Man because he came to earth through the passage of a human woman, said:
- “And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.”
Now that Jesus has died so as to pay the price of death for your sins and his perfect blood (which still has power today to heal and to cleanse) was shed and given that he did not remain dead but got back up from the grave as he said he would before he died, God the Father extends the invitation of salvation to every human being that will receive it. It is free and all it requires to be forgiven, cleansed from your sin and for you to obtain an inheritance in heaven is for you to put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, by believing that what is said about him in the Bible is true.
Romans 10:9-10 states:
- “…if thou shalt CONFESS WITH THY MOUTH the Lord Jesus, and shalt BELIEVE IN THINE HEART that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.”
When a person believes that Jesus rose from the dead and submits to his Lordship, they are not just forgiven. God the Father goes further and adopts that person into his royal family, making him very valuable to God while on earth and partaker along with his other saints, of an eternal inheritance in heaven.
That person will be made clean and righteous in God’s eyes and he will be spared or saved from God’s wrath when Jesus returns to the earth to judge everyone (living and the dead) of sin.
This gift of salvation through Jesus Christ, God’s Son is offered to you TODAY. If you wish to be free from the shackles of your past, no longer burdened by your sins and you wish to be free from God’s hand of eternal punishment which hangs over you right this moment, Jesus invites you to come to him. If you never did this before and you believe all that I have just written, then go to Jesus in prayer RIGHT NOW and make sure you mean what you are saying to him. You may pray the following prayer but keep in mind that there is no magic formula in the prayer. You need to pray from your heart, meaning every word.
If you believe and you are ready for Jesus to be in charge of your life and no longer the devil, you may use the following prayer:
- Jesus, I BELIEVE IN MY HEART that you are the Son of God and that you came to earth years ago and died for my sins and the sins of the world. I believe that because you are also God the Son and all powerful, that you rose up from the dead on the third day. You are no longer on earth but have gone back to heaven but I believe your Word, the Bible, when it says that you will one day return again to judge the world of sin.
- I CONFESS WITH MY MOUTH that you are truly Lord over all, as only the Lord, the one who created me and all that exists, could get back up from the dead and triumph over the grave.
- Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner and have done many wrongs in my life so far. I want to be free from sin and to be transformed by your holy light. I ask that you will come into my heart and live there and make me who you want me to be. Please forgive me of all of my sins and wash me in your perfect blood that was shed for my sins, on the cross. Clothe me with your perfect righteousness because I admit that I have none of my own. Save me from the wrath of God that is to come on this world and please take control of my life for ever.
- This I pray, as I acknowledge and believe both in you Lord Jesus and God the Father, Amen.
(Written on 20th July, 2020)
Dear Reader, if you found this Article to be beneficial or interesting and you want to learn more, you may also be interested in reading the following Notes on this Page:
- Note 15 – ‘A Light Above The Brightness Of The Sun’
- Note 16 – ‘Come Away…To Jesus’