(The Faith Forum Series – Batch 6)
This morning, a Pastor on Harbour Light Radio (accessible online), who I think is also broadcast on Caribbean Radio Lighthouse (also accessible online), made a statement that caught my attention.
It wasn’t something that I had never heard before or did not know but the words he used to say it, had an impact on me. I stopped what I was doing (I had been on the computer doing something) and perked up my ears to listen to what he was saying.
He said and I quote, “This age is not neutral. It is in mutiny against God… We are on a mutinous ship…”
Mutiny is defined as being in forceful or passive resistance, rebellion and revolt against lawful authority.
As the one who created us, the world and everything in it, God is the lawful authority for all mankind. We are supposed to submit to him and do what he will have us to do, yet the world does otherwise.
By the use of the word ‘ship’, the Pastor meant the world and what he said was a stark reminder to me, that the people in the world are truly not neutral. It is not as if they just don’t care about God and are living their lives as they see fit but that they are daily using the time that he has graced them with upon this earth, to actively and sometimes passively, fight against him. They have waged war against him and so, live lives in wilful rebellion against him.
Based on these words of wisdom from the Pastor, in thinking today again on the subject, I realized that these people are not content to mutiny by themselves but they want you to mutiny as well and so will always be after you, if you are a Christian, to get you to fall, compromise, turn your back on the Lord and be rebellious against him, even as they live. They will tirelessly work to get you off the path of obedience, many times subtly and if you foolishly give in and deviate, they then try to keep you there. They do not want you to ever get up, to repent and like the Prodigal son, to find your way back to the Lord.
If you wish to submit to him, they will get angry and fight against you. They will come with subtle strategies and disguises, all intended to get you to fall or act in a manner that is not pleasing to God. They live their lives as if they are accountable to no one and want you to do the same. If you refuse, they want you to suffer and put you in the doghouse of their estimations. They treat you as dirt and hope that you will believe the lie, that you really have no worth.
On the whole, they are miserable, empty and worthless without God (although they pretend that they are so enjoying life and are so special) and want you to be like them.
This happens because sometimes, unbeknown to even themselves, the enemy, the devil (who is their master), uses them because he wants as many people to mutiny against God as possible. He knows from his own story where he and his followers were cast out of heaven for their rebellion and destined to one day be cast into the lake of fire by the all powerful, almighty God, that where there is mutiny, the outcome for both the unsaved and the saved, would be dismal.
The unsaved would go to hell (if they rebel to the end) and the saved would be chastened, attract curses instead of blessings in their lives, be judged and in eternity, lose rewards. The saved would also lose their savour on earth, their testimony and therefore, not be able to make much impact or turn the world upside down for Christ, as he desires.
In the Pastor’s Sermon, he emphasized the importance of the verse, “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” (Romans 12:2).
Realizing what I’m up against, knowing that I am no match in my own strength, feeling a bit weary from all of the attacks I have faced in recent times and over the years (in many forms and from different people) and wanting to overcome every spirit of mutiny that tries to get me off the path of obedience and submission, I prayed:
- Father in heaven, please help me in the mighty name of your Son Jesus Christ, to withstand every attack from the world, the devil and even my own flesh, which all work to try to get me to rebel against you. Where there is any rebellion in my heart or my mind, I ask for your forgiveness, your healing touch and your deliverance. For, I want to be submitted in my entirety to the Lordship of Jesus Christ and to your sovereignty, almighty God. And so Father in heaven, please help me. Where I have been mutinous in the past and in my life, I come in repentance and ask for your forgiveness. Cleanse me Lord from all unrighteousness. Give me a heart that submits wholly to your authority. For in you is life almighty God and I want to align myself with life. Help me almighty God and deliver me from those who have been trying to get me off the path of obedience. Grant me discernment to see what they are trying to do, no matter how subtle and by your grace, help me to overcome. This is the prayer of my heart and my request. Please grant it in Jesus’ name, Amen.
(Written on 21st June, 2022)
Since I wrote the Article above, I heard three more statements from different Preachers that I consider to be quite impactful and soberingly true. They said (paraphrased in some places):
- “We are in a world that is endeavouring to live without its Creator. We are in a world that is endeavoring to say there is no God.”
- “If you turn your back to God, you turn your face to the devil.”
- “Light received brings MORE LIGHT but light rejected brings DARKNESS.”
(Addendum written on 06th September, 2022)
Dear Reader, if you found the above Article to be interesting, informative, beneficial or edifying, you may also be interested in reading the following:
- Note 200 – ‘No Turning Back, No Turning Back’
- Note 201 – ‘Holding Fast To Your Beliefs, Standards And Boundaries’
- Note 216 – ‘Two Pathways: Darkness and Light – Where Are You At?’
- Note 217 – ‘Kiss The Son’
- Note 223 – ‘God – The Fountain Of Life’
- Note 224 – ‘Dear Enemy Of My Soul: I Will Not Retreat!’
- Note 233 – ‘Popularity v Peculiarity’
- Note 242 – ‘Note To Self – Feeling Defeated? Check Your Armour’
- Note 244 – ‘Stay In Your Lane’
- Note 246 – ‘Imposters Among Us’
- Note 248 – ‘Gird Your Loins With Truth’