(The Faith Forum Series – Batch 4)
People may wonder why I always post stuff about Jesus and why I am so obsessed with everything that pertains to the Bible. To be truthful, I do it because Jesus is my life. He is the one that gives me validity. He is my strength. He is my deliverer. He’s my protection. He’s my Saviour.
No one has ever loved me the way he loves me and never will.
When I mess up, he doesn’t turn his back on me but offers me forgiveness when I repent. He loves me with an everlasting love that is unconditional. It never changes, it never wanes.
He doesn’t just say it with words. He demonstrates it in action. He cares about my life and understands everything about me. He sees my quirks, sees my faults, sees my imperfections, sees my weaknesses, understands why I do and say the things I sometimes do and say and behave the way I sometimes do.
He hates it when I’m foolish and chastens me severely when necessary so that I will change but STILL loves me.
He fights for me relentlessly and sometimes very aggressively, against those who position themselves as my enemies without just cause or desire to undermine his purposes for my life. I have witnessed times when I’ve forgiven the people that have wronged me and moved on, yet he returned to situations because he had unfinished business to settle. I’ve witnessed people in high positions who tried to wickedly come after me or caused me to walk away from jobs, lose their jobs (one of which involved a suspension and was so bad, that it made national news headlines) and some… (hmmm. I tremble at the thought of a particular incident that was so horrendous, it once again made the national news headlines), even worse.
My Jesus doesn’t take it lightly when people mess with his children. He loves righteousness and hates wickedness and always moves to fiercely protect and defend those that are his.
He loves me with an everlasting love but he is not biased. He also fights against whatever he sees in me that is not like him and I am grateful. I want to be moulded, chiseled, sculpted even, so as to reflect HIS glory and while the process is often excruciatingly painful and sometimes embarrassing, the outcome is always worth it. I know he chastens me because he loves me. If I were not of his heavenly household but a bastard, he would have left me to my folly and allow me to go down the path of destruction but because I am his and he is mine, he doesn’t. He whips me when he must and although I smart under the rod, when I look back, I am thankful. For his chastening helps me to grow in spiritual maturity and yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness within me. (Hebrews 12:5-11)
He rejoices with me when I am victorious and is genuinely rooting for my success. In my lowest of lows, when everything seems to be caving in on me, he is there and offers help, support and encouragement, when this is scarce. In my highest of highs, when everything seems to be working out beautifully, he is there, reminding me to remain humble and to not take the glory for myself but to always give him the praise.
He has promised to never leave me or forsake me and unlike fickle human beings who break their promises, he has every intention of keeping his.
He is my Champion. He is my Hero. With him I feel safe to be vulnerable. There is no need to be guarded, as I feel the need to be around other human beings, for he has no ulterior motive and can be trusted. I therefore freely let my defenses down in his presence and am just myself.
Without him, my life, my story, would make absolutely no sense and have no significance. I know that I am nothing without him.
I know of no one else who cares as much, who I can refer to as the lover of my soul.
That is why I talk about him so much. He is the very essence of my existence and THE WAY to eternal life.
As a beautiful quote I found some years ago stated: “To fall in love with God is the greatest ROMANCE, to seek him, the greatest ADVENTURE, to find him, the greatest HUMAN ACHIEVEMENT.”
This is so true. Until you come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, until you enter into sweet relationship with him, surrendering your whole life to his Lordship, as your Creator, your Redeemer and your Saviour, you haven’t really begun to live life yet.
As Jesus declared “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:6)
(Written on 24th September, 2019)